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Bil Chee (Advanced Form) – Austin Goh

This is the third book written by Austin Goh and it was published in 2000.


Preface: About Master Austin Goh …..1
History of Shaolin Wing Chun …..3austin-goh-bil-chee-1
Bil Chee (Advanced Form)…..15
Part 1 …..15
Part 2 ….54
Part 3 …..69
Bil Chee  – Attacking and defending techniques (final remarks) …..117

The book contains mainly pictures (black & white but big enough to see)  and no explanation, just laconic captions.

The applications are shallow and no words about principles of the form.

You can buy the book here but I would recommend it only if  you are part of Austin Goh’s organization. Otherwise doesn’t help too much.

I rate it  ★★