Use straight line in order to attain the shortest distance, Use the shortest distance to get speed.
Traditional Writing: 以直求近 以近求快
Use straight line in order to attain the shortest distance, Use the shortest distance to get speed.
Traditional Writing: 以直求近 以近求快
Yim Wing Chun
Traditional Writing: 嚴詠春
Traditional Writing: 陰
Ying Yang
Traditional Writing: 陰陽
Body Structure
Traditional Writing: 形
Using body structure to neutralize and footwork to dissolve, one will handle the opponents easier.
Traditional Writing: 形消步化 應付從容
Rowing Hand
Traditional Writing: 搖櫓手
Coordination of waist and stance.
Traditional Writing: 腰馬合一
Waist has to be flexible to swallow and spit, Hands have to be sunk and thrusting.
Traditional Writing: 腰要吞吐 手要沉標