Bai Ying
Traditional writing: 敗形
Bai Ying
Traditional writing: 敗形
Butterfly Knives
Traditional Writing: 八斬刀
Immortal table sticky hands for demonstrations
Traditional Writing: 八仙桌黐手
Explode Power
Traditional Writing: 爆炸力
Jamming stance in the knive form
Traditional Writing: 迫步
Thrusting in with Wing Arm
Traditional Writing: 迫膀
Thrusting forward with the Ching Sun Maa.
Traditional Writing: 標步
Shooting or thrusting with the knives also the stance to step forward; Thrusting knives.
Traditional Writing: 標刀
Shooting or thrusting with the pole; Also named Cheung Gwan (Spearing Pole)
Traditional Writing: 標棍
Darting Fingers
Traditional Writing: 標指